The Wallpaper Kids
× The Attic Studio

Inspire your children to tell their story

Our wallpapers nurture a child’s growth and exploration while promoting a calm and stress-free haven. We create spaces where our little explorers can navigate the seas, expand their minds, and, when it comes time, settle down into a cosy, safe space and drift off, ready to start all over again.

Find out more about what sleep, learn, and play means to us.

Sleep is an essential building block for your child’s mental and physical health. Creating a space that is conducive and optimal for sleep is imperative in a child’s development. Children need to feel comforted by what they see before they go to sleep and when they wake up in the morning. Our bedroom wallpapers are specifically designed to help promote a good night’s sleep and enhance your little one’s dreams.

Explore Wallpapers

Children learn through their environments. Our wallpapers help facilitate learning by evoking curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world around them. Our central themes of nature, family, diversity, and friendship encourage language development and introduce new concepts to inquisitive minds. These themes are also important and relatable at every developmental stage and
support enriched learning. 

Explore Wallpapers

Our wallpapers for children encourage storytelling, role-playing and creative play, stimulating their imagination and cognitive development. We encourage a collaborative approach to choosing a theme. One that reflects your child’s interests and enables them to explore their inner creativity and develop their own authentic sense of self. Building a room around the things they love, shows them that they matter, as do their voices and opinions. 

Explore Wallpapers

All of our wallpaper is free from VOC, PVC and phthalates. We print with water based ink. We would never put anything in your home that can be harmful to you, your family, or your pets.

"Designing lovely spaces is a gift, creating surroundings that enhance lives, a priviledge"

WPK sits down with sensory interior specialist Carolyn Feder
Read the full interview here

Our Founder

Meet Reem

“Fostering our children’s imagination has always been important to us. That’s what motivated my husband to hand-paint murals on our children’s bedroom walls. Our boys were very clear on what they wanted, down to the smallest details. Their creativity amazed us and having the opportunity to bring their creativity to life has been one of our biggest achievements. We saw the impact it had on them, how seen and heard they felt and how at home they were.

We wanted to give parents that same opportunity, to fill their children’s rooms with stories that reflect who they are and what they love. And to have those stories nurture their creativity, foster their learning, and support their dreams.”


Discover Our Story