
It Matters to Us

Taking care of our little ones means going above and beyond, we make sure to only give you what we would give our own kids.

Our Paper, Ink and Glue

PVC Free PaperBreathable PaperPhthalate free PaperWater Based InkZero VOC

What does this all mean?

Also known as plastic. We know plastic is pretty bad for our environment. Let's protect our kids' futures as much as their present.

The paper actually allows water vapour to travel through it, reducing the chance of any mould or mildew behind it.

VOC stands for volatile organic compound. You generally find them in paint and things that have an odour.

Phthalates are chemicals used to make things more durable. Well...we don't have any of those.

Frequently Asked Questions

It will stay up until you decide to remove it :) Our wallpaper is breathable meaning air can pass through it preventing any mould build up, it is FSC certified, and it’s wipeable. With a little love and care it will stay up until you decide to remove it. And remember, those little scuffs and marks that may appear over the course of its life are all moments to be cherished.

Wallpaper does best if there is some ventilation. Crack a window or turn on the fan and you should be just fine, just avoid the shower.

You’ll be happy to hear that all of our prints are water-resistant and washable! :) We recommend wiping your wallpaper in horizontal strokes with a non-abrasive cloth, warm water and soap. Try not to use any chemical cleaning solutions. The mermaids, ballerinas, elephants and superheroes would prefer it if their colours weren’t smudged.

Please remember that the little scuff marks that may appear throughout the years are all moments to be cherished. Embrace how your kids interact and grow with their walls. Every scuff is a memory.